Friday, July 1, 2011

Forget small talk
It will be an easy fewer than100 pages, and will get righrt to the point at hand. The workinh title that is bouncing arouns in my brain right nowis “How to Sell Like a Pro in Less Than Two Now, understand that the book will take aboug an hour and a half to read, but it will teachg the salesperson who is a poor, average or even a top performe r how to really sell with a common-sensre and no BS approach. Too many salespeoplee dance around the tabletoo much. In othe r words, they don’t get right to the main point at hand.
They talk abougt nonsense like the weather or sports or whatevetr they wantto discuss, which basically just wastesa time and really does not build any true businesws relationships at all. What made me think of this idea was somethingy I used about 30years ago, and it workedx really well then. It has to work even bettetr now because our attention spans have become the same as a cockertspaniel puppy, which means we do not have any attentiomn for anything lasting any I had a small glass-and-wood egg timerd that was about an inch or two When I was in someone’s whether it was a cold call or even an appointment, I told them that by the time the sand ran out (whicjh is six minutes) I would be done with my saled call.
Sometimes, I even said that on the phone so I couldx prove it to them when I was in their office onthe appointment. Really, think about it, who does not have six minutese in the day tohear something? My approach was simple, straight to the point and very, very honest. For on the phone I might have saidthree sentences, which were as follows: my name is Hal and I work for (fill in companyy here), and I would like to meet you for no more than six “When the six minutes is up (and you can time me), eitherd you will be or worst case, you learned something new! “I will not take more than the time I am asking for.
” When I sat down in their office, I pullef out my little egg timer and said, “Now, I wouldc like to ask you three simple questions, and when the sand runs I will leave as I mentionedc to you on the phone.” • Are you familiae with our company? If yes, what are you familiafr with, and if no, why not? Tell me what you like and maybe even dislike about your presengt supplier or vendor (obviously, my • If you were to realize that doinhg business with us would be more beneficiapl to you, and you wondered, why didn’t I switch to this company in the would you at least consider lookinfg at us?
That should take about six minutes, and then I wouldd excuse myself and say thanks for the and could I call you to followe up? The person behind the desk would be floored becaus e I kept my promise. Think about it: If they are interested, they will want to meet me and now they can trusrt me because I kept my promisd tothe “six-minute deal.” Try it, naturally using your own style and whatever questions you want to ask, as long as it gets the othetr person to talk about himself or herselcf and the company rather than you going over your presentation and just nonstop Oh yeah, you can alwaysa schmooze or talk about the weather or sports after you get a true relationshipl about business established.

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